I enjoy structuring and ordering scientific content and carving out a concept. Developing a visual language, considering how an abstract concept can be visualized and visualizing connections, realtionships and causalities.
The jobs where nobody really knows what the final graphic could possibly look like are my favorite – this is where I can really unleash both my scientific thinking and my creative skills.
since 2013
Freelancer with Visual Science Communication
2009 – 2013
Promotion at the Edinger Institut, University Hospital Frankfurt. Dr. phil. nat. awarded by the Department of Biology at the University of Frankfurt.
2006 – 2009
M.Sc. Molecular Biotechnology, Heidelberg University
2003 – 2006
B.Sc. Molecular Biotechnology, Heidelberg University

It is my aim to present science as simply as possible and at the same time as complex as necessary. Good science does not need to be presented in an unnecessarily complicated manner, nor to be polished up with all sorts of graphic effects.
In my graphics, the most important thing for me is to explain content. The top priority is always the reader’s understanding. Simple relationships are allowed to look simple. I don’t use graphic design to produce eye candy, but to emphasize the message and make the graphics more legible. That is why I use color sparingly and very specifically in my graphics. For the most part, you will look in vain for effects like 3D in my illustrations.
The result is simple, subtle images. They allow the viewer to concentrate on the essentials: the scientific idea behind the image.